How can Segmail help you and your business?

If you have:

  • A large list of more than 100,000 subscribers and a tight budget
  • An e-commerce store with multiple customer/product categories
  • Infrequent/frequent sending - 4x per year to 2x per week
  • Your own software/database where you prefer to manage your own list

...then Segmail is your solution.

Use case #1
Single large list, infrequent sending
Use case #2
e-commerce store with multiple customer categories
Use case #3
Freemium business model

Use case #1 - Single large list, infrequent sending

  • You have a large list of 100,000 subscribers
  • You send quarterly email updates
  • You don't want to pay more than $300 per month just to maintain such a huge list
  • You have about 100 signups a month.

You will most likely have a legacy list that you want to migrate to Segmail and manage new signups from Segmail. Here's what you can do:

  1. Signup for Segmail here.
  2. Log into Segmail admin panel.
  3. Create a list and setup the datasource for the list. Our auto-sync feature will pull all the data from your legacy database and load them into Segmail so that you don't need to import manually.
  4. Generate a signup form HTML code for your list in the Segmail admin panel and paste the code onto your website to start accepting new signups.
  5. Wait for your next scheduled time to send out your first campaign with Segmail! For example, you set up your Segmail account in January and your next scheduled campaign is in March.

Total costs

Jan Feb Mar
100 confirmation emails = $ 2.00 100 confirmation emails = $ 2.00 100 confirmation emails
+ 100,300 campaign emails
= $ 30.20
Membership fee = $ 10
Total = $ 0.20 Total = $ 0.20 Total = $ 30.20

Additional notes:
  • You will start pay a flat monthly fee of $ 10 when you send out your first campaign, which is in March.
  • $0.20 per 1,000 emails is part thereof, meaning if you send 1,001, we count it as 2,000.

Use case #2 - e-commerce store with multiple customer categories

  • You own an e-commerce store where customers can buy from more than 1 category of product.
  • Whenever a customer buys from a certain category, you want to add them to a particular category list.
  • As a result, you have multiple small lists which have overlapping email addresses.
  • You would like to send targeted campaigns and also general campaigns at the same time.
  • You want to manage the signups and categorization from your own e-commerce software instead of managing in Segmail.

Overlapping means that some subscribers can appear in more than 1 lists. Segmail has a subscriber-centric model where there is only 1 unique subscriber account being created for each user like yourself. When you add one subscriber to more than 1 list, you will not have duplicated email addresses in your database. This is very useful when you send out campaigns that target more than 1 list. In some other providers, they call this "segmentation", and it is similar to how most CRM products store customer data.

For example, you run an e-commerce store where you have set up multiple mailing lists for different product categories - eg. Shoes and Gadgets. There will be months that you would have a shoes promotion and some months to have gadget promotions. You do not have to blast out these individual promotions to the entire customer base with Segmail - instead you create a list-specific campaign each time so that only the customers who bought the right category will receive the intended email.

Here's what you could do with Segmail:

  1. Signup for Segmail here.
  2. Log into Segmail admin panel.
  3. Create 2 separate lists individually for Shoes and Gadgets, and setup the datasource for the list. Our auto-sync feature will pull all the data from your legacy database and load them into Segmail so that you don't need to import manually.
  4. Since you manage your categories in your own e-commerce application, you don't have to use the signup form feature from Segmail. You also don't need to pay any sending fees for confirmation emails.
  5. Send out only to the Shoes group by creating a campaign and selecting only the Shoes list.
  6. Send out only to the Gadgets group by creating a campaign and selecting only the Gadgets list.
  7. Finally, if the campaign involves the entire site, select both lists.

If you had set up some form of trigger in your CRM that will automatically tag and untag your customers, then you do not need to worry about that in Segmail - each time our autosync runs, it will also update the tagging/untagging. Once you have set this up, Segmail is on auto-pilot mode.

Total costs

Jan - Shoes campaign Feb - Gadgets campaign Mar - General campaign
50,000 campaign emails
= $ 10.00
Membership fee = $ 10
50,000 campaign emails
= $ 10.00
Membership fee = $ 10
85,000 campaign emails
= $ 17.00
(15,000 exists in both categories)
Membership fee = $ 10
Total = $ 20.00 Total = $ 20.00 Total = $ 27.00

Additional notes:
  • You will start pay a flat monthly fee of $ 10 when you send out your first campaign, which is in January.
  • $0.20 per 1,000 emails is part thereof, meaning if you send 1,001, we count it as 2,000.

Use case #3 - Freemium business model

  • You offer a free service and a paid premium membership.
  • You would like to maintain a free customer base, but occasionally launch promotion campaigns to convert them into paid customers.
  • You manage membership status in your own system and want Segmail to autosync on a regular basis instead of managing them in Segmail.

A freemium model is where you offer a free, "entry-level" service for a larger group of customers to try out while at the same time offer a paid premium service that has more features, more dedicated support or more usage.

While you would like all your customers to enjoy a better product by becoming a paid subscriber, you also want to maintain a list of free users so that they would create a community to advocate the use of your product.

You do not want to blast out the same set of emails constantly to both list, especially conversion emails where you want to offer your free list a chance to try out your paid membership.

You also do not want to send message that are intended solely for your paid subscribers to your free users, as your paid subscribers would not feel that their membership is valued. Hence, you should separate both lists as much as possible.

Here's what you could do with Segmail:

  1. Signup for Segmail here.
  2. Log into Segmail admin panel.
  3. Create 2 separate lists individually for Free and Paid, and setup the datasource for the list. Our auto-sync feature will pull all the data from your legacy database and load them into Segmail so that you don't need to import manually.
  4. Send out to both list for important announcements that affects all users - eg. maintenance, company news and updates.
  5. Send out only to the free group by for special promotions to try out the paid service in order to convert.
  6. You can also send out important membership messages intended for the paid service eg. Guides on how to get the best out of their membership.
  7. You may also want to send out community news to the entire list eg. feature some of your users' testimonials and success stories.

Total costs

Let's assume that this time, we are sending all campaigns within 1 month
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
1,100,000 announcement emails targeted at everyone
= $ 220.00
100,000 premium emails targeted at premium users
= $ 20.00
1,000,000 conversion emails targeted at free users
= $ 200.00
Waiting for conversions...AND handling queries from interested customers =)
= $ 2.00
Membership fee = $ 10
Total number of emails = 2,200,000
Total = $ 450.00

Additional notes:
  • You will start pay a flat monthly fee of $ 10 when you send out your first campaign, which is in week 1.
  • $0.20 per 1,000 emails is part thereof, meaning if you send 1,001, we count it as 2,000.